You are a foreign innovative MedTech company

You manufacture or distribute an innovative medical device or digital application with strong clinical and economical value propositions and you plan to reach the European market.
Allead is your trusted partner.
We oversee
We support foreign medtech companies that want to enter onto to the French and European market, throughout the market penetration pathway.
We advise
We advise companies on the most relevant market penetration model based on the technology positioning, the company expectations and the targeted market dynamics.
We share
We bring our expertise and knowledge in the various fields involved: strategy, sales, marketing, market access, regulatory, communication, training and sourcing.
We provide
We provide the tools and services to identify your target market, test your technology, develop digital training and promotion tools, adoption readiness matrix, data enhancement.
We execute
We execute the tactical plans defined in terms of sales, marketing and education.
Business Partners

You are a French innovative MedTech company
You have developed a disruptive innovation in health tech you want to access/reach the MedTech market OR you are a MedTech company with an innovative system and you are facing adoption barriers.
Allead will lead you to efficient and sustainable success.
We advice
We listen to our clients and we provide advice in the early stages of the project in terms of strategy, innovation management, financing, and corporate governance.
We analyze
We offer our clients concept and market studies accompanied by analyzes of the competition in order to better define the target market size and the core of the user targets. Our expertise allows you to save time and find the best solution according to your expectations and market dynamics.
We educate
Our health ecosystem is complex and in full transformation, it includes many players. Our experience and very good knowledge of the market and its players allow us to act effectively. We pay a lot of attention to reaching out to all market players to educate and prepare them for the adoption of new technologies.
We elaborate
We work with our clients to develop an integrated plan that tracks, measures, corrects, and prioritizes activities and manages resources.
We provide
We bring our expertise and knowledge in the different professions involved: strategy, sales, marketing, market access, regulatory, communication, and training.
We provide the tools and services that identify your target market, test your technology, develop digital training and promotion tools, adopt efficiency measures, and data valuation.
We Execute
We execute the tactical plans defined in terms of sales, marketing, and education.